There have been protests several days this week in Sukhbaatar Square by numerous factions who are calling for new elections and a total turnover of the government, including the offices of the President, Prime Minister, Ministry Heads, Members of Parliament, etc. People I know who have the inside scoop have said it's not likely to happen because there's a lot of in-fighting between the factions. However, this type of turnover is not new for Mongolia; something similar took place earlier this year. However, in the past it was instigated by groups within the government. This action is coming from outside of the government by citizens who feel they aren't being represented and who want better education, etc. I'll post more on this soon.
I'm now on my way to give a lecture of American poetry at the American Cultural Information Center at Natsagdorj City public Library. I'll be talking about how Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson shaped American poetics.
Lisa, you are amazing.
Keep me posted on the protests--very interesting.
Be well.
Posted by: Leslie | 2006.11.11 at 01:40
Hi Lisa, We are having pumpkin pie and are looking up people on the MN DOC your not on it we checked ;) How are you??? (It's sunny and warm here and it doesn't smell like horse dung(susan)). (Sorry I've been poor with correspondance, saying I'm sorry means i'll stop being so damn neglectful(Amy)). Peace and Love to You.
Posted by: Amy and Susan | 2006.11.11 at 16:39