Well, I don't necessarily have anything in particular to write. Last night I learned how to make buuz. These are a kind of steamed dumpling. Usually they're made with mutton, but since we couldn't get any on short notice we used chicken. They were really good, especially with chili sauce on the side. I learned three different rolling styles from my friend Zula, so I now feel quite accomplished in the area of buuz-making.
The Mongolian holiday of Tsagaan Sar is quickly approaching. This actually means "white month," but it's usually celebrated for only three days. However, preparations probably do take a month. The average family makes 1500-2000 buuz for the celebration. When it's my family's turn I'll be sure to whip out my newly acquired skills.
Other than that this morning I attended a public hearing at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science on the new draft law for culture. I'm going to write a story on it for the UB Post but I'm also generally interested, being the arts advocate that I am. It's really exciting being in a place where they're exploring in depth what kind of civil, democratic society they'd like to build. Many people are genuinely engaged on a variety of levels.
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