Two of my poems, along with a photo of me and some background information, have been translated into Mongolian and published in the daily Өнөөдөр (onoodor: today) newspaper here in Ulaanbaatar. The poet G. Ayurzana, one of the poets I'm translating, did the translations. It's all in Mongolian, so unless you know the Mongolian language you're out of luck!
It's been pretty cool to have Mongolians coming up to me to tell me they've read two of my poems in Mongolian. Most people tell me that they enjoyed reading the poems. One person, a metal sculptor that I admire, told me that he thought they were аймаар хэзүү (aimaar hedzoo: frighteningly hard). Currently, my dear friend and fellow poet and translator Degi is taking a close look at the translations and originals in order to give me her breakdown of their quality. Either way, it's pretty exciting for me.
Congratulations! And nice photo. I think I'm gonna need to see the English originals next time I see you.
Why didn't the article mention your Mongolian Slam Poetry Association?
Posted by: Jaspal | 2007.08.03 at 03:34
Any chance of publishing the English ones here?
Posted by: Konchog | 2007.08.03 at 20:42
Hi, Lisa!
Really good translations in mongolian, it reads like koans.
Where i can find english originals?
Posted by: rd | 2007.08.04 at 08:51
that is a fabulous photo...
Posted by: kathryn ansley | 2007.08.04 at 23:19
My name is Amie and I'll be working with Ayurzana this fall at the University of Iowa in the translation workshop. Just read your blog, etc. via Annie Riordan. We were PC volunteers together, 03-05. I worked in Gurvanbulg soum and Bulgan City, Bulgan aimag. Let's be in touch!!!
p.s. I love Said's work, I wrote a paper on his book Covering Islam, the third in that trilogy. There is a great video called Orientalism as well with interviews, etc. I feel similar to you regarding the Orientalism concept. We should dialogue.
Posted by: Amie Meade | 2007.08.15 at 10:00
One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one''s .work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster, If I were a medical man , I should precribe a holiday to many patient who consicered his work important. (Bernard Russell, British philosopher)
Posted by: Cheap Burberry Bags | 2011.07.08 at 03:59